Still on fire – but without fuel. I fell in love with these ideas and they are now in various stages of planning, dreaming and denial.
The Calliope Compendium
bringing fantasy worlds to life
Similar to P.A.M, this is a concept for a collaborative website. Scholarly work as a game – an invitation to experience more of the world and stretch your imagination.
The idea is to find, catalog and codify the cultures, dances, music, food, activities from real life that let us experience what life is like in our favorite fantasy worlds.
I’ve mapped out how it would work, but we haven’t launched yet so the content is non existent at the moment.
Looking for collaborators if you’re intrigued.
I love P.A.M
Not really a game – but more like a global invitation to be creative and play. P.A.M or the People’s Art Month is a concept for a month long celebration of indulging in artistic pursuits. It is permission for anyone to call themselves an artist and complete a piece of visual fine art (excluding written or musical art) that expresses an idea – in a month. Hopefully it would have a similar effect as Nanowrimo and encourage people to have the confidence to be artists and increase appreciation of artistic pursuits. We would work with galleries and museums to encourage them to accept submissions from P.A.M participants on a special day at the end of the month, which also gets people into the museums.
Looking for collaborators if you’re interested –